
Straight Talk with Mark Bouris

Published by Respondr 1 min read
Podcast Personal Growth Business Knowledge

Mark Bouris is an Australian entrepreneur who has been innovating for years, challenging the business landscape with disruptive models that help Australians succeed. Having built his reputation as a finance specialist taking on Australia’s banks, his unique brand of charisma & curiosity sees his influence cut across multiple worlds. From businesses large and small, to politics and sport, Mark pays forward his knowledge and experience, to help grow and nurture the next generation of Australian success stories.

Straight Talk - Too often, we avoid real conversations. Mark sits down and gets to know people, understands what makes them tick, and shares the great and unusual things they’re doing. There’s no sugar coating. There’s no hiding behind fancy marketing slogans. Just an honest conversation. 

To listen to the latest episode, click on the link below.

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